Planning Preparation and Assessment.
From September all teachers have a legal right to 10% PPA time. This should take place during the taught pupil day. During the Spring and Summer term 2005, Head Teachers should be consulting with staff on how this entitlement is to be organised in the school. The time should be in blocks of not less than 30 minutes and should not include assembly times, break or lunch time. Many schools are organising the time in more usable blocks of 2 hours or more. If there are difficulties about provision of PPA time in your school please contact the Division Secretary.
Many schools are using qualified teachers to provide cover for classes whose teacher is released for PPA time and is the aspiration for most Head Teachers and Governors. This is in line with NUT policy. In a minority of schools plans are in place to use other staff to cover the time. If your school has plans to cover whole classes with support staff or unqualified coaches please notify the Division Secretary.