In respect of problems of pay, promotion or PPA, the NUT stands ready to give you full support.
Pay: The Government's evidence to the School Teachers' Review Body is for a pay increase of only 2 per cent. This will mean a worsening of the pay position of teachers in real terms. It's a pay cut. The NUT is calling for increases of 10 per cent, or £2,500, whichever is the greater.
Promotion: The Government's freezing of management allowances (MAs), was a pay cut. Now the introduction of Teaching and Learning Representatives (TLRs) could bring further pay cuts to thousands of teachers. The NUT is monitoring the progress of the staffing reviews under way in England. It will support its members, balloting for action in individual schools if necessary, where:
* timetables for consultation and negotiation have not been agreed
* the NUT at any level has been refused consultation on staffing reviews;
* unacceptable decisions have been made without consultation;
* proposals for new staffing structures have been adopted that vary widely from the existing structures, to the detriment of teachers;
* teachers with MAs are not offered TLRs that are at least equivalent; and
* teachers face reductions in pay.
NUT school representatives should advise their local Associations or Divisions if any of the above situations arise in their schools.
PPA: This term sees the introduction of a guaranteed entitlement of teachers to 10 percent of the timetable as time to plan, prepare and assess (PPA). The NUT will support members where:
* PPA is not provided for teachers or is provided at less than the guaranteed proportion of timetable; or
* the arrangements to provide PPA use, in ways that are not acceptable, persons who are not qualified to teach.