From 1 January 2006 all MAs – whether or not a school has implemented a new staffing structure - become a safeguarded sum, which either lasts until the end of the existing fixed period or, in the case of MAs awarded prior to 1 April 2004 which had no end date, until 31 December 2008.
Within a month of the publication of the revised staffing structure (i.e. no later than 31 January 2006) the relevant body must notify all teachers in receipt of management allowances in writing of –
• The value of their management allowance as at 31 December 2005.
• If the allowance was awarded for a fixed period, the latest date on which payment will cease. (For example if an MA was awarded from 1 September 2005 for one year, the teacher must be advised that payment will cease on 31 August 2006 at the latest.)
• The value of the point at which the teacher is placed on the main scale or upper pay scale, taking into account any pay increase or progression.
• The value of the safeguarded sum (i.e. the value of the MA minus any TLR awarded between 1 January 2006 and 31 January 2006 in this instance)
• Information about where a copy of the school’s staffing structure may be viewed.
There are a number of basic ways in which safeguarding may cease. This will be the earliest of the following:
• at the end of the three-year period;
• at the end of the period for which the payment was originally made (for example, at the end of a one-year fixed-period management allowance);
• if the teacher receives a higher point on the pay scale/spine or a new or higher level allowance where the combined value of the new point and/or the new allowance value equals or exceeds the combined value of the old point and any safeguarded sum or sums;
• if the teacher’s employment at the school ends (other than in cases where general safeguarding applies);
• if the teacher is placed on a different pay scale or spine (except when a main scale teacher is first placed on the upper pay scale or in cases where general safeguarding or internal school reorganisation apply).