Supply Teachers and CRB
As you will be aware the difficulties about supply teachers and CRB checks continues. There are three main reasons for this:
1. The Local Authority budget settlement for 2006-2007 has created financial difficulties for them;
2. The Government requirement that supply teachers have at least an annual CRB check and that if there is a break in service of three months or more that a further check should take place;
3. The joint union view that supply teachers should not have to fund the cost of their own CRB check.
As a result of the above the LA has currently stopped recruiting to the supply list. Teachers wishing to do supply work are unable to get a CRB check as the LA will not process the check. The LA will not pay any supply teacher who has no evidence of a current CRB check for Buckinghamshire. This means that teachers new to Bucks, or having left a permanent job and intending to take up supply work, are unable to get work in Bucks. This would affect all current supply teachers at the time their next annual check becomes due.
There are no clear long term proposals from the LA at present. We are hoping to be consulted on an interim measure which will allow people to get work. It is clear that if a supply teacher does not work for three months a new CRB check will be needed. In those circumstances the joint union group would be minded to agree that supply teachers should pay for their own checks.
It is important to realise that if a supply teacher does not work during the last month of the summer term and then fails to get work early in the Autumn Term the three months is soon reached. Supply teachers are advised to try to work at least one day during these critical times and throughout each school term.
The NUT in union with the other teachers’ associations see this as a matter of urgency for resolution. The NUT is not happy to agree to supply teachers in Bucks having to fund their own checks. We are aware that this does happen in some other LAs. However, if our stance results in members being prevented from working at all then we may have to compromise. It would be a retrograde step if the only route for supply teachers in Bucks were through supply agencies. This would be more costly for the schools and the supply teachers. I would be happy to have your views. Please email me at