Newly Qualified in Buckinghamshire?
Your induction year is of course very important for you personally, but there is also a responsibility on school and LEA to do everything to help you, particularly if you meet any difficulties with your first post.
The LEA helps by:
• Providing a Handbook for NQTs and induction pack
• Providing information for induction tutors
• Providing special induction courses
• Providing access to a named LEA contact:
• Providing a framework for induction monitoring, support and assessment.
Non-standard contracts
The procedures work best for permanent full-time contracts. If you are an NQT on a temporary, fixed-term or part-time contract you should contact the NUT straight away for further advice.
Your school must:
1 Appoint an induction tutor to guide you through your first year
2 Follow the procedures in the Handbook for Newly Qualified Teachers
3 Give you a timetable 10% lighter than if you were not an NQT and with 10% of your total timetabled time guaranteed free for Planning, Preparation and Assessment.
4 Negotiate with you an agreed personal induction programme: what is to happen when, and who is responsible.
5 Plan, in consultation with you, which LEA training sessions of the NQT induction programme you attend
6 Plan with you which other, school-based training you would like
7 Consult you throughout the year on any further supportive training needs, including observing experienced teachers
8 Explain the criteria against which you will be assessed, the monitoring and assessment arrangements
9 Make sure that you have all the information you need.
The School should provide:
• The Staff Handbook, including information on daily routine, organisation and administrative arrangements (e.g. what to do if you are ill, delayed)
• The School Prospectus or Brochure (information to parents and pupils)
• Timetables, schemes of work and relevant curriculum documents (e.g. all relevant national curriculum documents)
• The calendar of meetings and any other events which you are directed to attend (i.e. within the 1265 directed hours of your contract) and any voluntary activities to which you are invited
• The pastoral and tutor programme (including parents' evenings)
• The behaviour policy of the school, including how breaches of the school rules by pupils should be handled, and the "chain of referral" for poor work or behaviour
• Copies of the Disciplinary, Capability, Grievance, Whistle-Blowing, and Harassment, Procedures
• Details of when assessments and reports will be required, and how to complete them
• A copy of the school’s pay policy giving details of how your pay is determined.